Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Christy: Death be not proud.

I got a job!! It's at a day camp. I'm really happy even though I wanted to work retail this summer. At least working at a day camp is something I'm really qualified to do.

Today I got coffee with my friend and then we went on a rambling walk through the city. We eventually came to the mountain (large hill) and decided to walk through the graveyard there. Even though It's a little creepy I really like Cemeteries and find them really peaceful places.

I realize this isn't fashion related at all but I wanted to share my pictures of the graveyard. It was so beautiful and quiet in a mysterious old kind of way.


The mausoleums were especially beautiful. The architecture of the dead can be uncannily beautiful.


The whole graveyard was lined with trees and flowers and the shade was a welcome break from the hot sun. This path was especially beautiful and looked perfect for a contemplative walk.

Have any of you ever walked through a graveyard ?
On a more fashion related note my inner sock lover was delighted by these socks from the fall miu miu collection.

I like knitted socks and this shade of charcoal can go with just about anything.


Raquel said...

loevly pictures

iliketweet said...

I love those knitted socks!

tweet tweet tweet


Arianne said...

I'm going to sell those knitted socks soon in Manila though I don't know who'll be buying since it's hot hot hot here. :))

B's taking me to another cemetery on Saturday. Hope it will be as awesome as this one!

A from A Plus B in the Sea