Saturday, September 11, 2010

Christy: Matching colours

I still am unable to connect to the internet at my apartment but I'm over at my neighbours house and am using theirs so here goes for a short post:

The other day I had fun matching my eye shadow to my scarf

I get such a kick out of doing little things like that. It's kind of childish I guess but I enjoy it.
I also get a kick out of making amazing food.
Aren't vegetables lovely colours? I think so.
Hope everyone is having a good (and stylish) weekend


Rebecca said...

i love your scarf! it reminds me of a peacock (:

Robyn said...

Bright green eyeshadow is never a bad idea. I like that it is really matchy matchy with the scarf, but maybe that's just me.

Laura said...

Gorgeous scarf, and the food looks yummy! :)

L x
Half Dressed

I V Y said...

cute scarf!

Unknown said...

I lvoe matching my accessories together - even better when you can match them to your makeup!

mmm I love veggies - my old housemates and I used to compete to try and get the most number of different coloured vegetables into our meals at uni!