Go us!! This is the 100th blog post! When we started this blog back in November I totally thought it wouldn't last past December, at the most. My previous blogs had the grand total of 3 posts, tops. But here we are! And we actually have readers who aren't ourselves :P So, hope you're enjoying!
I also found some inspiration and managed to rustle up a half-decent outfit (above). No, it's not super exciting(hence my unexcited expression) but I figured it was post-able :P
Today was spent sewing--I discovered that for a long torso/short legs, most of my skirts were incredibly unflattering--sitting low on my hips/past my knees. So I put tucks in to make the waists smaller, and hemmed them. They pretty much turned out amazingly, especially considering I pretty much eye-balled everything and didn't use any pins. :P And I'm planning on looking around a few second-hand stores tomorrow, so I may dig up some more things to alter. I'll be sure to post about those soon.
So in the mean time, here's a post from me that Christy has been begging me for :P See ya soon!
P.S. Here's some cuteness :) my (newish) ferret Sabine, checking out my teddy bear Hermann!